Our Beliefs


  • We believe that God is a Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
  • We believe the Bible is God’s inspired and authoritative word.
  • We believe that Jesus was born from a virgin and is truly God and truly man.


  • We believe that although the consequence of sin is death and separation from God, we can receive forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
  • We believe that Jesus died from crucifixion and resurrected bodily from the dead three days later.


  • We believe that humanity was created in the image of God, but humanity is now sinful by nature and by choice.
  • We believe that all of Jesus’ followers have been commanded to share with others the “Good News” of forgiveness through Christ.


  • We believe that Jesus is coming again to take those who love Him to spend eternity with Him.
  • We believe that we will all give an account of ourselves at the last judgment.

Meet Our team

Meet Our team

Whether we turn on a news station or scroll through social media on our phone, it doesn’t take long to realize that our culture is rapidly becoming more polarized and unstable. These polarizing effects tear apart families, alienate relationships, and destroy the peace and joy that transforms a “house” into a “home”.

From the earliest days of the church, Jesus followers have witnessed the incredible power of the Gospel to not only transform individual lives, but entire households. These Jesus-centered homes became the foundation of the church.

We believe that Jesus has not lost any of His power to bless and transform the households in our community. We believe our church has been uniquely gifted and called to plant, grow, and nurture these Jesus-centered homes in Columbus.
We want Jesus-centered homes in our community to be places where we feel rested and recharged, the type of places we miss and grow homesick for when we’re away. We want to see Jesus-centered homes that overflow with so much joy and laughter that our neighbors begin asking what we’re celebrating. We want to see Jesus-centered homes where those struggling with temptations and sin can find hope and healing. We want these Jesus-centered homes to be places where the weary and brokenhearted can powerfully encounter Jesus and find rest for their souls.

We believe that when we’re able to come home to a Jesus-centered household, it will inevitably alter the rest of our experiences throughout the week. That’s because Jesus-centered homes are places where our cups are filled to overflowing. This leads to transformed students at our schools, renewed passion at our work, and deeper relationships with the people around us. We believe these kinds of Jesus-centered homes are what change communities, cultures and even nations.

Meet Our team

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